John Justin Schumann wins a High School Debate
July 8, 2023
The "Justin" in this story is my grandfather. I knew it was his middle name, and knew that I had heard Grandmother call him that, but was evermore surprised to see "Justin Schumann" in several articles in the Orland Sentinel during his high school years. (The fact that he lived in Orlando when he was in high school was another surprise. Somehow I had missed that part.) I thought that Grandmother calling him by his middle name was a sort of affectionate, wifely thing, but it occurred to me that "Justin" may be how he had introduced himself.
Daddy said that Grandmother did ususally call him Justin, and Johnny said that she told him once, "The people in Indiana all call him Justin." When I talked to Mark about this he laughed and said, "And sometimes when he was rough housing with us." I didn't remember that at all, and said, "He used to play fight with you?" Mark said, "Oh, yeah!" like it was something that had happened often, and that he remembered happily. He said it didn't take long before Grandmother would be a stop to it though.
~ I spent a little bit of time trying to get some background on what the County Division question, and determine who wrote the article, but I don't have any definitive information on that.
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