John Schumann, Jr.; High school essay written in support of school bond

 On May 24, 1950, Indian River County held an election regarding a school bond. On May 19, the Vero Beach Press Journal published four student essays, with this introduction: "Students of the Vero Beach schools have written some highly interesting and pertinent essays concerning condtions that now exist in the local school system. They urge the freeholders of Indian River County to go to the polls next Wednesday and cast their ballots for the school bond election. Billy Law, Charles Bracket, Gwen Loy authored the other three essays. Daddy's is below.

When Daddy and I talked about it, he said that he thought he seemed rather adamant to have been so young. ..... "Adamant" may not be the exact word, but it conveys the impression I took away. 

As of this writing, I am still experimenting with the best way to get these articles from to Blogger, so the first part of what you see below is actually the last part of Billy Law's essay. Daddy's name is right above the beginning of his essay. 


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