John Schumann, Jr; Honored for bringing animal health issues before the public.

July 8, 2023

This year when I asked Daddy what he might like for Father's Day, he suggested a fund associated with the veterniarian that they use, that enables the vet to provide care for pets whose people would not otherwise be able to do so. The vet lowers their cost as much as possible. Daddy's request reminded me of this article, which I had come across in my research, so I tucked a copy of it in his Father's Day card, even though I was pretty sure he had already seen it.

When we talked on Father's Day, he thanked me for the article, and said that he had not seen it. He noted that the event was on January 8 (his birthday) and that might be why he didn't remember it. He said, "The article says I was given a plaque though. I need to find it!"



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