July 2, 2023, Talking to Johnny, (Jewish, Catholic, Networking, Paying off press)
July 8, 2023
I wish I had been able to save this closer to time, which according to my cell phone log was July 2. I was able to sit out on the deck at Firefly and just have a nice long visit with Johnny.
I told him about the fun I was having with the newspaper articles, and that I thought I remembered him telling me that Grandad had told him he thought "Schumann" was a nice-looking (May not be the exact adjective, but similar) name and that he should take the time to write it carefully. He said, "Yes! I was in his office, something about the groves, and he had a check that I had signed. I wrote it carefully after that."
I told him about the articles in the Orlando paper, and Justin, and Grandmother, and he said, "One time she said to me, "You know, people in Indiana call him Justin."
~ Johnny said that when he was about ten or twelve, he needed some parts for his bicycle. He was telling Grandad about the purchase and said, "He wanted twenty-six dollars, but I jewed him down," and that Grandad just exploded: "Don't you ever use that term again! One of the finest men I know is a Jewish judge." Johnny didn't really know anything about Jewish people, it was just a phrase that he had heard..
~ Johnny said that Grandad and Mr. Vocelle were best friends. The Vocelles were Catholic, and the KKK was such a threat to them that Mr. and Mrs. Vocelle both carried shotguns with them. Mr. Vocelle was a Democract and was instrumental in Grandad's appointment as Post Master, which gave Grandmother and Grandad cash during the depression, which few people had.
~ We talked about Grandmother's election, and he said that Grandad always said he couldn't have done the things he did without Grandmtoher, that she knew how to make connections, and how to know who was for you and who was against you.
~ At the time of the crash, Grandad had a press on which he owed money and he promised the company that he would pay what he could. He paid it in full, and the company told him that he was the only one who had done so.
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